Selasa, 05 Maret 2019

Edu Passion 2019

24th of January, Edu Passion
was held in SMA Negeri 3 Bandung
On Thursday, 24th of January, 2019, we had an event in our school. This event called Edu Passion. Edu Passion is an event where so many universities and course sites come to SMA Negeri 3 Bandung and give so many informations, such as where are they located, what are their uniqueness, how to join their university or lesson site, and so much more. We can also ask the college students about anything we want, such as :
- How is the college life ?
- How hard is life when we become a college student ?
- What is the strategies while living as a college student ?
- What are the tips and tricks on surviving the college life ?

Ridwan Kamil gave some opening speech
In the morning, West Java's government, Ridwan Kamil, also came to SMA Negeri 3 Bandung to see Edu Passion event. He gave some opening speech in the event. He said that in his past, there were no school-to-college liaison like the Edu Passion facility. He is looking forward to see this Edu Passion event.

In the afternoon, we can also saw so many presentation from each universities deparments. We can come to several class that accomodated the uniiversities departments presentation. We can still saw the universities and course sites booths in the afternoon.
Me while asking to one of the ITB's student

In the event, I asked several things that I need to know about the universities, such as ITB, ITS, Telkom University, POLBAN, UPI, UNPAS, UNISBA, and so much more. I think that the Edu Passion facility helped me so much to know so many college's informations.

So, that is my Edu Passion experiences. Thank you for reading my post. Sorry for any inconveniences. Hope you enjoy it !!

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