Rabu, 10 Oktober 2018

Analytical Exposition Text

Jogging is a kind of sport that we usually do in our life. Jogging is a form of running at slow pace, but the purpose is to keep our body fit and our mental healthy. Well, jogging is a simple and cheap sport that we can do everytime.

We can do jogging anytime we can and anywhere we want. We can do jogging alone or together with friends. So, jogging also increase our social sensitivity and make us become more interactive. Jogging improve our social capability.

Jogging is a good kind of sport to keep our physicality in a good shape. According to National Osteoporosis Society in England,  jogging for 45 minutes every week can decrease 40 % risk of suffering osteoporosis. Jogging also burns our calories. The scientists from University of Dublin said that jogging for 30 minutes will burn 391 calories. It's about 100 calories burned every mile on average. For example, a woman weighing 70 kg burns 620 calories every 10 km. We can also keep our cardiovascular (heart pumping) in a good shape by doing jog regularly. We will find that every people who do jog regularly will suffer from heart attack and stroke.

Jogging is also good for our mental health. You will feel fresh everytime you finish jogging. Some studies have shown that people who usually jog will have a better life's point of view, better outlook on life,  and they will feel happier that the other people who don't usually jog.

From all of the facts above, jogging is absolutely important for our life, because it increase not only our physicality, but also our mentality. Jogging has so many benefit for our life.